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The purpose of running this experiment is to observe how villagers and villages interact with each other. More specifically, to see what would happen if two villages touch each other. Would they merge or still be two different villages?
I made a 32X64 home city for two separate villages 32 houses apart. I started each village with 17 testificates on opposite sides of the city. The houses I made have lights on the top so I'll know if they are in the home. I'll track the progress of the size and location of the village with the houses they chose.I'm also tracking the progress with the golems, they spawn for every sixteen villagers starting with the first sixteen. They don't out of the village boundary, so I can see the clear border.
I continued to observe and found that the villages not only began to expand, but migrate. One village began to move to the east and soon was really out of the starting area.
The one village then became so dense that they started doing this. They started mating at a very rapid rate. They cramp into a tiny 3x3 area to mate all night long until I evenutally break the door down. I had to do this several times.
As the two villages began to get close to one another they began to act strangely. From what I saw, the two villages never actually touched one another, they just began to get bigger and bigger. They both became very large then I saw something very strange, villagers began to form a new village in between the two villages I started.
In the end, two new villages formed and went their ways as they migrated. The results whether they merged or not was inconclusive.Another purpose of this experiment is to see if an iron golem farm can operate in a city full of villagers. I saw an iron golem farm in Docm77's youtube channel. First, I wanted to see how creditable the design was, so I made the spawning cells very close to each other. The distance between villages doesn't really matter to be defined by the game as villages. But they do interfere with each other's spawning.
Since I couldn't clearly see two villages merge I decided to scale down for a second test. This is a 3x32 village with both villages starting at opposite ends. This is so they won't spread as much as last time.
Soon, a golem spawned in both villages. I know now that the game defines them as two separate villages.
For these houses, I McEdited the glowstone from the roof to get a better view of the lights.
The black wool village soon moved a little closer to the center.
I outlined with wool the progress of the villages. They seemed to have stopped that these lines. I had to encourage them to move.

I destroyed the houses they left behind to force them to move towards each other.
I then outlined the village border. It seems no village or golem would cross this line. They eventually did, but it was probably because of their wondering AL.
They don't seem to be interested in the houses near the border. With that, the experiment has ended. Here are my findings:
-Villages depend on the villager's location. The villager's location is dependent on the house's location.
-Where the golem spawns depends on the village center, the center can move as the villagers move.
-The distance between villages required to create another village is only because villagers would return to their own village if there is none around them. (The 40 block requirement from Wiki)
-The spawning location of golems depends on the village center and the number of villagers around the center.
-Villages created will be defined as separate from other villages. Villagers can wander and create a new village if the houses are at an appropriate distance.
-Villages cannot be destroyed by the game, only created. Well, mobs and players can destroy a village but you get what I'm talking about.
I suppose I can't place a golem farm in my city. I'll have to put it somewhere else.
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