Small Updates

Small Update
The fact is that the time I'm spending on MineCraft is not worth the returns.
I have to remake the Ambrosia map. Overhaul to update devices and ideas.


Posted Image

Release Date: When it's done and ready.

Total Hours Worked on: 400+

Posted Image

Number of Contributors: 3
Contribute Here.

Plot: In a distant future, spirits and demons exist with humans having a special power called 'seals'. In this map, you play a soldier in the 'Central' army and you must fight off the invading demons as you try to save those you can.


  1. Well that sucks,about the mods being out of luck and all. What mods in particular, are you waiting on? This sounds pretty interesting.

    1. I'm using the single player commands and zombe's mod. I'll also like McEdit to be updated for windows.

      I'm hoping to finish this as soon as possible, but I could only do so much. The file size is 171 MB so far.
