With nothing really else to do, I started caving the systems I found when I tunneled to the village. One of them is massive.
I decided it was time to start the blaze farm.
I decided to go with the normal piston style, it is efficient and it costs little to make. I suppose this is the same style Etho made.
This farm took me about four hours in total and is functional at a reasonable pace. The time between cycles are very long. If I were to choose between the spawn tower and the blaze farm, it would be the blaze farm since it is a bit faster.
Instead of using pistons, I took advantage of the new feature with the dispensers dispensing liquids.
Down at the bottom of the farm is a crusher device which suffocates the blazes so I can hit them to death. When I press the button, it sends a signal to the redstone repeaters and to the memory cell. When this memory is on the other state, it well cause four pistons to extend and crush the blaze. When the signal gets to the cell, it'll turn the state and retract the pistons.
Since I didn't see much kids in the village I decided to add another level to the village. Perhaps I'll need to do that again.
I started trading with the villagers and they have a lot of bad deals. There is only one librarian in there and I need the paper trade to get emeralds. I know there is a wheat trade but wheat grows slower and with less yield. I traded with him a few times and still no paper trade. Anyway, I added the level with a total of 75 houses, they started mating again. It also spawned an iron golem.
This cave is huge.
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