Small Updates

Small Update
The fact is that the time I'm spending on MineCraft is not worth the returns.
I have to remake the Ambrosia map. Overhaul to update devices and ideas.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Adventure Map!

Since Beta 1.8 isn't coming out anytime soon, I'll be working on an Adventure map along with my new Helios project. I'll release more information as the days go on about Helios and my Adventure map. I'll not be applying any cheats used to make this map with my single player world, it's still legit.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lava Failure

I should have looked up lava before doing anything.
It took three stacks of wood to repair the Inn.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Update 25-7-11 Farmville

I finished my farming island today. If I hit the lever, the sticky pistons will retract and let the water flow to collect everything. 

This island can produce about 258 wheat at a time. I don't think I need that much bread. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Plans for the Transfer

I had to MCedit the structure 4 blocks downward because of the "sky wall". I'll make a video to give you guys a tour when it's done. It'll be worth the effort. I know that the Beta 1.8 will bring new blocks, and so the video won't be out until renovations are complete. Keep in mind, the update will most likely come out in September.

In order to keep the legitimacy of my world when the transfer is complete, all of my structures on ground will be left behind. Including my underground tree farm and mob dark room trap.  Because of this, I must complete Nimbus by the end of summer. However, I lack the motivation to play Minecraft for more than two hours a day. It'll be a long process.

Think of the transfer as me moving my entire operation to new chunks when the update arrives.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update 19-7-11 The End of World 1

I've come to the realization that I cannot continue this world because of the Beta 1.8 update. I came to the conclusion that Minecraft is for me to have fun and the new chunks of 1.8 would give me new motivation.

Although I still plan to make my capital city and all those other projects, it'll be in a new world. Also, I feel that Nimbus was a great start but not my best work. I've decided that I'll MCedit Nimbus onto a new world when Beta 1.8 comes out. I'll start a new base and I'll also continue with my Nimbus project.

I'll get started on my new base so I'll be ready for the transfer. I look forward to the future and would hope that my few followers would continue to watch my progress. This isn't the end, only a jump in a new direction. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Update 17-7-11 Mushrooms, mushrooms everywhere!

Remember the giant cave system under Nimbus I mentioned? It got even bigger because of a new route I found. Just when I thought that cave couldn't get any bigger. I thought I mined everything out of there, but apparently not because I found a stack of iron ores.

I need a lot of iron because I am working on my railway now. The best thing for me to do about my Nimbus project is to not work on it. Meaning, it gets boring when building house after house, it's good to have balance in your Minecraft experience.

Screenshots of a SINGLE mushroom pocket in the cave extension. There are many others, but this was the biggest.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Redstone Button Toggle

I was trying to design a toggle button for the bridge at the Ground Port however, I got frustrated and went with a simpler design.

Even though I don't really need it anymore, I built it anyway. It's compact and very simple to make.

 This is in its off state.
 This is in its on state. It's all controlled by one button! It's the "switch" button!
 This is an "RS NOR latch", it acts as an memory cell recording the two possible states it could be. This is a picture when it's at its on state.
 When the button is pressed, the current travels to an "RS NOR latch" and a Duel lock. The duel lock makes it so both redstone torches most be off for the third torch to power on. This acts as a reset for the RS NOR and will turn the output off when I hit the button again as shown in the screenshot.
 When the button is first pressed to turn the output on, the redstone repeaters prevent the current from reaching the Duel lock too soon. If the delay was not there, the current would travel to the Duel lock at the same time the button is still sending it's current. Basically, it would reset itself, not by me pressing the button again.

To give you an update, I've been building houses on Erie's islands. However, it gets boring. Mostly because of the lack of designs I can think of. I'll start finishing the railway for now.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Update 13-7-11 Moving Forward

No screenshots today, I feel that there are too many anyway. The Beta 1.8 update is most likely going to come out September. Bad news for me. I was planning to begin construction of my capital city this month. I wanted the new chunks in my world to be Beta 1.8 chunks. Sadly, I'll have no choice but to travel to new chunks even if it's not Beta 1.8.

Firstly, I need to flatten the continent. Then, I'll build a city wall to indicate where I'll build. I'm planning to have the land outside the wall to be farmland and other things. Seeing the shape of the continent on the cartograph, I'll need to fill in a lake or two.

I'm also planning to build some projects between Nimbus and the capital city. Check in later to learn what they are!

Just to give you an update on my Nimbus project, I'm building more houses on Erie's islands. I'm getting used to the "supply and demand" aspect of Minecraft. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Update 11-7-10 Renovations

Fireplace fail.
 Until I stopped being stubborn and looked on the forums, it keep burning my inn and leaving this giant hole.
 This fireplace is functional and is in a building made of wood! Take that people how say "fireplaces are for stone houses!" 
 It's going to take some getting use to, but I say it's an improvement since the Inn looked so plain.
The Ground Port got a bridge. My port is now impenetrable! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Update 10-7-11

I've been making progress with the houses on Erie.
 Two new additions, the one on the end is almost complete. I just need to build the roof.
 I'm going to use the island I built for farming. I'm not going to do anything with it till Beta 1.8 because of the possibility of new crops. Also, I'm waiting for the grass to grow on it. Grass is slowly spreading towards the end of the islands.

I'm realizing that the supply my tree farm is giving doesn't meet my demand for wood. I'll have to extend it further. I'm using a lot of wool also. I had to resupply many times, that's just for two houses!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nimbus Station Explained

No progress report today, I'll explain my simple rail system. If you saw my introduction video you'll understand I had to redesign this twice.
 The current system relies on powered rail for momentum. This screenshot shows how you would stop at the station. When you press the button, the cart will travel to the level below.
 The cart will come down here and travel up the in-climb.
 It'll drop into a trap door dispenser rigged to drop one cart when powered. This design uses two trap doors.
 It'll drop down here, onto a powered rail powered by a lever. 
 The redstone torch under the rail controls the direction of the in-coming carts. North bound or South bound.
The button controls the trap door dispenser and the lever controls the direction of the carts.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Farming Island

See my new island take shape!
The Beta 1.8 Update will promise new farming stuff. I'll be prepared. Like Erie this island will feature islands encircling it, I have ideas on how to place them. I also plan to make even more islands for residents.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Prep Work

 Right now there's no building, I'm going to gather up minerals first. The giant cave system below Nimbus is a major source of minerals ever since I started this world.
I found another dungeon. =)
I'm working on building houses on the islands around Nimbus. However, designing them is a pain.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Slime Spawner

I TnT blasted my way to bedrock and built a room for Slimes to spawn. I did this before but it didn't give it any Slimes. It did this time! I can make sticky pistons now!

I hit a bump on my way to the new continent.
I'm deciding to go through it or going around it. Most likely I'll just build over it.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

More of My World of Minecraft

This is my old base, I didn't take it down when I moved to Nimbus.
 This is where I get my sugar from, I still use this base sometimes.
 This is the tower in one of my old saves. It's taller and there's a cobblestone bridge leading to my Nimbus project.
 The Nimbus Project was just starting and taking shape.
 The Cobblestone in the middle tells me where the sky wall is.
 The down-up perceptive of the Capital.
 A long tunnel I dug when I strip mined. I hit a cave system then I stopped. The system was so huge that I built a minecart track to and from the system. 
I found a Golden Apple. =)

The next thing I want to do is to do something with pistons. The thing is that I can't find any practical use of them. When I build something, I want them to have a purpose if possible. If I don't do that it'll be a waste of resources.